If you are a long-term traveler, or are planning to be, then your budget may be one of the main things on your mind. It might be difficult to find ways to make money when you are constantly on the move. Without being able to find short-term work in the places you are traveling, naturally you will turn to the internet to find jobs online. Here are some examples of how to make money online while you are on the road.
Sell Your Photography Online
With all the amazing places you are visiting during your travels, you are sure to have taken some unique photographs. If you enjoy photography and you’re pretty good at it, then you can make money from your pictures online. Websites such as Shutterstock, iStock, and Fotolia offer royalties when your photos are purchased. You can also set up your own store and sell your images to be downloaded yourself, although the downside to this is you won’t get as much traffic as the more popular sites.
Teach English as an Online Tutor
If you have a good command of your native English language, are patient, approachable, and have access to Skype, then you could teach English online. Language tutors are employed online, such as these English tutors on Preply: https://preply.com/en/skype/english-tutors. You can set a schedule and teach through Skype, either searching for students or waiting to be employed by individuals. The great thing is you can do this anywhere you have access to Skype, even from your phone.
Offer Your Skills as a Freelancer
Do you possess a particular skill that others are looking for? If you are a writer, app developer, designer, or have any number of other countless skills, you may be able to offer these as a freelancer. Everyday, people are looking for short and long term contracts, from one-off jobs to regular work. You can sign up for freelance websites such as Freelancer or Upwork and start searching for jobs that fit your skills straight away.
Monetize Your Blog
If you write your own blog, be that a travel blog or any type of blog for that matter, you can make money just from visitors accessing your website. This includes advertising through google adwords, for example, or selling advertising space. How much you actually make will depend on how popular your blog is and how much traffic you get. This is true for how much you sell your space for as well. Before you start, you should analyse your statistics and place your ads carefully. You don’t want to draw away from your content or overload your visitors with ads.
Create Downloads for Sale
If you are a creative type, then why not offer your designs and artwork for sale? You can upload your creations to websites such as Zazzle and receive a royalty when your items are sold, without having to send anything yourself. You can also sell downloadable items on handmade sites, such as Etsy, where you can create your own shop and sell your items in an online marketplace. This is also true for items such as e-books or travel guides you have written. They can be uploaded and sold through various sites, or even from your own blog.
So, there are a few simple ways to earn money and boost your budget while traveling. Every little thing helps when it comes to living the nomad lifestyle. Whether you choose one method to make money or mix a few different ways, you can continue your journey with a bit more cash. How do you earn money while travelling? Comment below!
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