As a middle schooler, I remember reading the book The Rifle by Gary Paulsen. If you’re not familiar, it’s a story about a rifle that is of exceptional quality. It passes through many generations of owners, each being incredibly impressed by its accuracy and high quality. The story is a bit corny, they do assign it to 7th graders after all, but there are some real messages about the importance of quality. When it comes to quality, the first thing that comes to mind is teak. Teak is one of the longest lasting, most valued woods around.
Take, for instance, the story of the SS Baccalieu. This coastal service ship was once used in the area of Newfoundland and Labrador. After a long life of serving its duties, the ship was eventually decommissioned. But this wasn’t the end of the SS Baccalieu. The teak wood that the ship was made out of was bought by a local couple. From there, it was repurposed and used to make a slew of new products, each of incredibly high quality and utility in their respective right. Cutting boards, serving counters at bars, kayaks; the teak from the SS Baccalieu went on to live an incredible life in all of its new purposes. Much like “The Rifle,” the teak from the SS Baccalieu continued to be of exceptional quality for generations, prized for its many amazing values.
But why is teak so desired? Why is teak, of all woods, so apt to live through the generations? The secret lies in the wood’s many amazing qualities. All woods have natural oils and rubbers. The difference between teak and other woods is that teak is able to retain its oils and rubbers even after being felled. The tight grain of teak makes this possible. What this means for teak is that teak is able to maintain the natural resistances that many trees have while they are alive, even after it has been cut down. This means that teak is able to maintain resistance to such things as dry rot, a common problem for older wooden furniture. In addition, the oils and rubbers that teak retains after felling protect it from invaders such as fungi and parasites. Most other woods require waterproofing oils and other treatments to gain protection from these threats, whereas teak is protected from these threats naturally.
But Why Teak?
Teak has always been prized for its extreme longevity. Teak was one of the most sought after woods used to make warships during the time of high-seas warfare. A little known fact about teak is that it was one of the factors that lead to Britain’s rise to power in the 18th century. This is because Britain used teak to make its ships. Teak is naturally resistant to rot and marine borers, and thus was an obvious choice for shipbuilding. These qualities, combined with teak’s natural weather resistant qualities, meant that warships made of teak could maintain their frame and utility for well over 100 years. To put that into perspective, average warships of the 18th century typically only lasted 25 years, and even modern steel warships typically only have a lifespan of 50 years.
Teak is also sought after as a top choice of wood for furniture. It is common for furniture made of teak, such as benches, tables, or chairs, to last 70 years or longer. Teak furniture is often passed down through the generations. Not only is teak furniture incredibly long-lasting, but it is also incredibly attractive. Teak has a rich, golden color. This color will last for years on end. It is no wonder that teak furniture is considered a status symbol in many cultures.
When it comes to long-lasting woods, it’s hard to beat teak. The tight grain of the wood allows teak to retain its natural oils and rubbers, which gives it resistances to things that other woods require treatment to gain protection from. Products made of teak, such as boats or furniture, can last for decades, often being passed down through generations.
Investing in the Plantations for Teak Furniture
It is no wonder that there is such high demand for teak. The demand for this wood only continues to increase, while the supply, sadly, dwindles. For those who are owners of teak plantations, this means that the value of their teak will increase throughout the decades. Ownership in a teak plantation means ownership of an incredibly valuable and in-demand commodity. Much like how the wood itself has incredible longevity, so too does the opportunity for profits from a teak plantation. For those interested in building generational wealth, ownership of a teak plantation is an obvious choice. Ownership of a teak plantation is an incredibly lucrative asset which can be passed down through the generations.
Whether it’s teak products, such as boats and furniture, or ownership of a teak plantation, everything associated with teak has astonishing longevity. If you’re interested in being involved with this product of an incredibly long life, use the button below to contact us for more information.
In-demand, yet of dwindling supply in the marketplace, Teak is a remarkably valuable hardwood that is extremely durable, practical, and beautiful.
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